  • 亞東院訊 第137期
  • 2011年4月







多年來看遍多少心臟科的醫師我及家人,一顆心始終懸宕著難以放下,長久以來,惶惶不安也期盼奇蹟出現,突然之間有某位醫師告訴我,不必動手術了。其實我只是在編織著安我家人的美夢,只因為每位醫師都明確的告知了我的病情,而且 是日勝一日的持續惡化,直到見到您的那一刻,聽了您的那一席話,我及我妻才真正放下了這塊心中的大石。住院及手術期間,蒙您及您的團隊悉心、親切的服務與照顧,讓我及我妻無限感恩!您不但是我的救命恩人,也是我多年來見過的醫師中最親切、最信賴、最能視病猶親,毫無架子的醫生,最特別的是您還是位主任呢!我只能以隻字片語來向您表達敬意及感受,再次致上由衷的謝意!


Dear Dr.Chiu
This is Mrs. Yueh-Ling, a sister of one of your recent patients, Mr. Shi-Ying Lee.
In this Thanksgiving season, while we all will get together around the table and count the blessings, I just want to let you know that you will be on my mind. I truly thank Lord Christ for His love, peace and joy throughout the entire ordeal of my brother’s open heart surgery. I experienced a tremendous peace and I knew my brother was in good hands.
The joy is indescribable when I saw him grew stronger and stronger daily in the hospital.
I couldn’t express my feeling enough to even start praising you as a doctor. I saw a pair of strong and steady hands, a person with a passion for his work and compassion toward his patients, and a person with confidence in his field and yet humbleness in his character.
That is the assurance any patent is looking for and a mentor every medical resident and students would love to have. Thank you for not only your top notch surgical skill but also being a genuine and caring Doctor that one doesn’t see often in today’s age. I also want to express my gratitude toward your medical team especially the head nurse and the lady instructor in cardio rehab center. They were very professional, patient, and loving people before the surgery and during the recovery period. I was very touched by their goodness and kindness.
I shared my thoughts with two daughters whom are also serving in the Heslth industry as a 2nd yr med. Resident and a 2nd yr med. Student. They all admired you very much and vowed to be a good Doc like you. I also told them that you see approximate 125to 150 patients daily in addition to your morning surgery work. The 1st question came to their mind was whether you have enough time to sleep. I know it is a challenge for any Doc to strike a balance between the work and family. Just want to remind you to take care of yourself as well as your family. Enjoy the life so that you have a healthy body, mind, soul and spirit for many years to come.
If you ever come to the States, we (including my daughters who are in Phoenix and Chicago) would love to meet and host you.
In this jolly season, wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.
PS- Sorry, Iwas not able to type in Chinese not to mention that I can’t write well either for lacking of practice. But I can read with no problem.