
乳癌手術不留疤 『3D內視鏡微創』手術

一般外科/乳房外科 雷秋文醫師  

乳癌手術不留疤 『3D內視鏡微創』手術(相關圖片)         據衛生福利部統計,乳癌為我國婦女發生率第1位之癌症,每年有逾萬位婦女罹患乳癌,發生高峰約在45-64歲之間,佔國人女性癌症死因第四位,2016年資料顯示該年國人有2,176人因乳癌而死亡,亦即每10萬個女性人口中即有18.41人因乳癌而喪失寶貴生命,此項事實不僅造成個人健康的損失,甚至使家庭社會付出莫高的代價,因此如何提高警覺,早期診斷早期治?,將是一個重要的課題。


乳癌手術不留疤 『3D內視鏡微創』手術(相關圖片)








乳癌手術不留疤 『3D內視鏡微創』手術(相關圖片)







乳癌手術不留疤 『3D內視鏡微創』手術(相關圖片)













²  傷口小、恢復快

²  保留大部分乳房知覺

²  不需要乳房重建

² 需接受術後放射性治療及其副作用

² 若手術檢體邊緣有癌細胞,需接受第二次手術

² 只能用於早期乳癌病人及腫瘤位置不能離乳頭太靠近


²   減少剩餘乳房組織復發風險

²   大部分不用接受放射性治療

²  傷口大,整體外觀改變大

²  術後皮膚麻木或無知覺

²  需切除乳頭乳暈組織



²   傷口小,且傷口設計在腋下中線,乳房上沒有傷口痕跡,美觀滿意

²   內視鏡具放大效果,具通常搭配3D內視鏡,能使細微構造更清楚

²   減少剩餘乳房組織復發風險

²   大部分不用接受放射性治療

²  乳房重建風險及費用

²  比傳統手術時間長

²  有衍生性的費用(較傳統手術高)

²  只能用於早期乳癌病人及腫癌位置不能離乳頭太靠近

* 原位癌
* 第一期及第二期早期乳癌
* 多發性乳癌
* 預防性乳房切除

* 乳房大小不要太大(如Size E以上)
* 腫瘤位置離乳頭太近
* 發炎性乳癌
* 皮膚及胸壁肌肉被腫瘤侵犯




一般外科/乳房外科  雷秋文醫師介紹及門診連結


3D Endoscopic Nipple Sparing Total Mastectomy


       According to the data of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in our country. More than 10,000 women suffer from breast cancer every year, and the incidence is between 45 and 64 years old. Breast cancer is the 4th cause of cancer death of Taiwan female. Therefore, early diagnosis and early treatmentwill be an important topic for breast cancer.


      The treatment of breast cancer and carcinoma in situ is mainly based on surgical resection. Today, total mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery are the two main surgical methods of breast cancer operation. Breasts are an important feature of women. In the past, breast cancer surgery would remove the entire breast and nipple areolar complex, which greatly affected the body appearance (Figure 1), and often caused great psychological trauma to the patient. In addition, breast-conserving surgery also requires making a wound on the breast skin and performing a wide excision of the tumor. Even if the breast is preserved, the shape of the breast will be changed after the operation. Therefore, surgeon developed new operation method that can hide the wound, such as endoscopic mastectomy and Da Vinci robotic arm mastectomy.


乳癌手術不留疤 『3D內視鏡微創』手術(相關圖片)


Figure 1. The wound of traditional total mastectomy






What is 3D Endoscopic Nipple Sparing Total Mastectomy?

       Endoscopic surgery has been developed in the field of surgery for a long time, especially of breast surgery. 3D endoscopic breast cancer surgery only requires a 4-6 cm wound to perform a single-port endoscopic operation.During the operation, we will sent the specimen of nipple margin for Frozen section examination. If the pathology report showed that the nipple was not invaded by cancer cells, we can performednipple and skin sparing total mastectomy.The wound is hidden under the lateral side of the chest wall(Figure 2), so there is no wound was found on the breast.Then the breast tissue is completely removed from the lateral wound, and immediate breast reconstruction is performed by plastic surgeon.


乳癌手術不留疤 『3D內視鏡微創』手術(相關圖片)





Figure 2. The wound of endoscopic total mastectomy








        The 3D endoscopic imaging can allows doctors to have a clear image of the three-dimensional structure of the breast (including the depth of field, blood vessels, breast tissue, and skin) during the operation (Figure 3), which greatly improves the safety of the operation and the accuracy of tumor resection.


乳癌手術不留疤 『3D內視鏡微創』手術(相關圖片)




Figure 3. The Anatomy of breast during endoscopic operation.









The difference between breast cancer operation:




1.Breast conserving surgery

l Small wound

l Preserve the sensation of breast

l No need for breast reconstruction

l Received radiotherapy

l If the margin of the specimen showed cancer cell, it must be received second time of operation

l Only can used in early breast cancer

2.Simple mastectomy

l No need for radiotherapy

l Big wound, big change of body appearance

l Numbness sensation of breast after operation

l Remove the nipple areolar complex

3.Endoscopic nipple sparing total mastectomy

l Small wound, can hide under lateral chest wall

l No need for radiotherapy

l Cost of breast reconstruction

l Longer operation time

l Only can used in early breast cancer


Indication of 3D Endoscopic Nipple Sparing Total Mastectomy

1. Ductal carcinoma is situ

2. Stage I and II breast cancer

3. Multicentric breast cancer

4. Prophylactic mastectomy


Contraindication of 3D Endoscopic Nipple Sparing Total Mastectomy

1. Big size of breast (Above E cup)

2. The tumor location near the nipple

3. Inflammatory breast cancer

4. Tumor invaded the skin or muscle layer



       The advantages of endoscopic breast cancer surgery is that the wound can be hidden, which is similar to the breast augmentation surgery. In cancer surgery, endoscopic surgery of breast may be easier of tumor recurrence? The answer is not. Breast cancer endoscopic surgery has been developed for about 20 years and the oncological result has been followed more than ten years. The recurrence rate of traditional surgery and endoscopic surgery is the same. The difference is only the size of the wound, the location of the wound and the body appearance.

When you get breast cancer, don’t be afraid to find doctor. Breast cancer therapy includes surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, have very good result. Just discuss with your doctor and choose the most suitable one for you.