Admission procedure
Register for admission and arrival:

From outpatient:

  1. If the doctor agrees for admission, please bring photo ID, NHI card and admission permit to register for admission.
    • Admission & discharge center, 1st floor, North Building: 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday; 8am-3pm, Saturday and Sunday.
    • Counter No.9, 1st floor, North Building: 5pm-11pm, Monday to Friday.
    • Registration can be conducted at the Emergency Room cashier if the service is not available at locations above.
  2. Receptionists at the Admission & discharge center will notify either by phone, LINE, or verbally when it has beds available on the estimated date of admission. Please bring photo ID, NHI card and admission permit to Admission & discharge center AFTER receiving the notice. Beds that have already been booked will be CANCELLED if arriving at the counter after 2pm.
  3. Please fill in “health declaration form” and prepare related stuff for admission prior to arrival.

From Emergency room:

  1. If the doctor evaluates that the patient needs to be hospitalized for further treatment, a permit for admission will be issued afterwards. Please bring the admission permit to the Emergency Room cashier to complete admission registration.
  2. Receptionists at the Emergency Room cashier will notify either by phone, LINE of verbally when it has beds available. Please bring photo ID, NHI card and admission permit to Emergency Room cashier and complete the procedure.

For those admitted from outpatient : Please arrive at the Admission & discharge center after completing the procedure. Please head to the designated nurse station if completing after 5pm. Beds will be CANCELLED if not showing up after completing the procedure by 4 hours. For those admitted from Emergency : Medical affairs specialists will send the patient to wards.

According to Article 3 and 10 of the Regulations Governing the National Health Insurance Medical Care, “NHI card shall be provided if a beneficiary receives medical treatment or gives birth at an NHI contracted hospital, clinic or delivery institution”. “The contracted hospital shall check the NHI Card of a beneficiary during the beneficiary’s hospital admission procedures and return the NHI Card back to the beneficiary after checking it”.

Visiting hospitalized patients:
In response to the covid-19 pandemic, restrictions are in place for visiting.
  1. Wards: available for visitors from 11:00am-12:00pm with maximum 2 visitors. Only 1 caregiver is allowed.
  2. ICU, RCC, NBC: available for visitors from 11:00-11:30am with maximum 2 visitors. Only 1 caregiver is allowed.

The regulation will change if the pandemic imposes more/less restrictions. Please follow our announcement for the latest updates.